Neck and Back Pain Remedies in Yoga

More hours sitting and working on computer terminal results in neck and back pain. This gets alleviated with wrong postures, hectic work schedule and the stress due to pressure and pollution. Chronic neck and back pain can be very difficult to handle as these part of our body handle pressure the most. Doctors advise us stretching but that hardly helps in most of the cases. Yoga way of life is the answer to these modern physical problems.

Yoga is flexible and strict at the same time and better than most of the modern physical workouts. The yoga poses (asanas) help to relive the pains and the breathing techniques (Pranayama) helps to keep most of the diseases related to stress away. In fact, deep breathing is the most effective technique to relieve stress. The third part of yoga which is meditation helps to remove stress from life and bring the body in complete harmony. Today we will have a look at the exercises in Yoga which help to relive back and neck pain. They are simple ways to get relief. For learning more about the poses you can enroll in yoga teacher training in Rishikesh which is the yoga capital of the world.

3 Asanas for Relief in Acute Back Ache
[i]  Bhujangasana – This is known as the cobra pose in common parlance. Lie on your stomach, and with support of your hands try and lift the upper part keeping the stomach touching the ground. The pose helps to strengthen the back and the waist region which is the cause of back ache most of the times. Practice this asana 10 set in the morning. 
[ii] Shalabhasana – This is commonly known as the locust pose. This is the foundation asana for back bending. It helps strengthen the whole back region which includes the whole spinal cord and the back muscles. It is the preparation pose for the bow pose (Dhanurasana). Lie on the stomach and lift the hand and legs keeping the elbow and the knee straight. The asana increases the flexibility of the entire back and also is good for removing fat around the torso. Do it 10 times in morning and evening. 
 [iii] Virabhadrasana I to III – This pose is commonly known as the airplane pose. You stretch both the hands and one leg lifting it parallel to the spine. The first asana is to bring both your hands parallel to the spine. The second part is to bring one leg parallel to spine while keeping hands on the side. The third level is to do the both together. This pose helps to stretch all the muscles of arms legs and back. It can be done anywhere, even in the office. You can do it when you feel the back or muscles stressed.

3 Yoga Exercise for Neck Pain[i] Bend the neck back ward and forward. Do this exercise 10 times when you feel a twitch in the neck. The exercise can be done in sitting or standing position. 
[ii] Bend your head left and try to touch the left ear lobe. Hold it for 15 seconds and come back to normal position. Do this exercise five times on the left side and five times on the right side. 
[iii] Rotate your head clockwise and anti clockwise while sitting every 2 hours. This helps to keep the neck muscles supple and avoid the neck pain.
