Ayurveda and Yoga can Together be more Beneficial

When you go for yoga teacher training in India, make sure that they also have Ayurveda courses. Why? Well, Yoga and Ayurveda can be used with each other with really great benefits for health. First knowing what constitutes Ayurveda is important to know its relationship with yoga. Ayurveda is a way to treat ailments in a natural way. In fact, Ayurveda professes that every plant has some medicinal properties that can be used for healing. That in crux is Ayurveda which is the result of thousands of   years of research by Rishis, and by that comparison, Ayurveda is the elder sister of Yoga.


Ayurveda knowledge is contained in an Upaveda of the same name and is concerned with health and well-being of the mind and body. It is a system enlisted in the Vedas (the ancient book of knowledge) to help with healing and health. Yoga is mainly derived from the Yoga sutras of Maharishi Patanjali Yoga Sutras. It is the practice of various states of body and mind commonly known as asanas. The ultimate goal of Yoga is to reach a meditative state of mind.

Ayurveda concentrates on creating a balance in the body and maintaining health while Yoga focuses on all the three aspects of a human being mind, body, and spirit. Ayurveda helps to keep the body healthy which is a must for the practice of Yoga.

The Yoga and Ayurveda combination

One of the most famous Ayurvedic text “the Charaka Samhita” mentions Yoga as a way to bring balance to the body. The text mentions the effectiveness of Yoga in removing stress and calming the mind. Yoga should be a part of the life of an individual as it can bring energy, strong immune system, and intelligence to the fore.

Ayurveda recommends using Yoga as per the body type of the individual. The body type is decided based on the three doshas Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The asanas have to be used to bring the body in balance. For instance, a Kapha major body type can be treated with twisting asanas for quickening the pace of digestion, and back bending to increase temperature is a nice way to balance the Vata.

Yogic texts also have the reference of Ayurveda as a way to remove toxins from the body and leading a healthy life. Ayurveda is a treasure trove of alternative medicine which has little side effects on the body. Yoga can benefit from keeping the body healthy as the aim is the unification of body, mind, and spirit which can only be done if the body is healthy.


The common roots of Yoga and Ayurveda

Ayurveda and Yoga come from the Vedic knowledge and hence are complimentary sciences. There are many things that bind them together.
  • Both Yoga and Ayurveda have originated in India in the ancient books of knowledge the Vedas. Yoga is from Ayurveda the last book in the four book series while Ayurveda comes from the most ancient Veda Rig-Veda.
  •  Both the sciences are based on the concept of three qualities Sattva rajas and Tamas.
  • Thye basic concept for the practice of Yoga and Ayurveda are the five elements earth, fire, air, and Akash (space).
for More information : Yoga and Ayurveda


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