How to perform Utthita Parsvakonasana (Extended side angle pose)

Utthita Parsvakonasana or the extended side angle pose is a standing pose which works out almost all the muscles of the body. There are a number of variations to the pose in order to acquire various levels of flexibility.

Benefits of extended side angle pose

Practicing Parsvakonasana helps reduce stiffness in the back and shoulders. It deep stretches the hamstrings and the groin. It also increases stamina and strengthens the legs and knees. It also tones and stretches the abdominal muscles as well.


If you are experiencing insomnia, headaches and high or low blood pressure, do not practice this pose. Also, if you have neck pain or suffering from a neck injury, do not turn your head upward. Rather you can keep your gaze straight with either side of your neck evenly extended. Make sure to work within your own limits.

How to perform the extended side angle pose:

1.    Start from standing in Tadasana. Now spread your feet 3-4 feet apart. Lift your arms parallel to the ground, out on the sides with the palms facing the ground. Turn your left foot slightly to the left and the right foot facing forward.

2.    Slowly turn your left thigh outwards. Now the center of the left knee, as well as the ankle, is in the same line.

3.    Now keeping your torso straight, turn your hip lightly in the direction of the left leg.

4.    Inhale and slowly bend your left knee over the left ankle. Now the shin should be perpendicular to the ground.

5.    Now your left thigh is parallel to the ground and the right leg is stretched and straight from the hip to ankle.

6.    Now slowly extend your right arm above your head on the left side. The hand should be straight and the palm facing the floor.

7.    Slowly turn the face inward. Touch the ankle of your left leg without taking any support. The aim is to stretch the body as much as possible.

8.    While breathing, push the extended arm forcefully towards the ceiling. Repeat this a few times and then make this a part of yourself.

9.    Now repeat the same on the other side.

Start practicing this yoga pose daily along with other poses to reap the amazing health benefits. Another great way to master this pose is by getting enrolled in a yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh, India.


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